The daily newspaper Metro have a column called ”Daily IT” run by some random guy named Nanok. It’s not like Metro is a quality news source anyway but still I have issues with the “Daily IT” column in specific. The term “IT” makes me think about computer science, Internet business, telecommunication, software corporations, Apple, Microsoft, Cisco and so on, you get my drift. But the column doesn’t regard any of this. Instead Nanok writes about “Hot new iPhone apps” that where “hot” like 18 months ago, and lame youtube clips that circulated at the offices of every IT-business over two million views ago. And sure, all this is fine! But please don’t call the column “Daily IT” when it has NOTHING to do with IT what so ever. And please, for the love of god, keep up with the “news” and don’t write about old stuff. Maybe check the release date of the apps first and the post date of the youtube clips. Just a thought.